news & gossip reviews

Lose Yourself

It’s time for another great way to compete with your pinball buddies:  The Biggest Loser Pinball Tournament!  “But I play to win,” you might say.  You can still win with the Biggest Loser! Just get the lowest score.  The Biggest Loser is the big winner!

The rules to Biggest Loser are simple.  One machine is chosen and players try to get the lowest score within a given amount of time on that game.  Players can try as many times as they want.  No tilting! Try to pick a machine where the ball has to go through pop bumpers, saucers, rollovers, and sling shots.  More obstacles = more fun!  Find the “sweet spot” and try not to hit anything.  And avoid the urge to use the flippers!

Biggest Loser is a really exciting way to play pinball. We’re doing it at NW PAGS this year!  Late 70’s Bally games are great for this type of tournament, so we’ve picked Future Spa again.  The tournament will be on Sunday June 5 between noon and 2pm.  If you are knocked out of the NW PAGS tourney, come over to Future Spa and see if you can lose again, but this time in a good way.  The prize is a Skill Shot T-shirt!!

The Biggest Loser Pinball Tournament is best played in a free-play environment, like PAGS, or as a side tourney at SPL meetings.  If you have a game in your home or office, try it with family or coworkers! It’s great at the Seattle Pinball Museum, where you make a donation and get to play all the games as much as you want.  Pick a game and throw down a tournament, Biggest Loser style.

You’ve gotta play to lose!


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