Seattle’s super selfie league is back with a few updates.
Qualifiers will be for the full month, the 1st to 30th/31st with the finals happening the first week of the following month.
Take a selfie of yourself with your score (multiplayer may be be accepted) and UPLOAD IT DIRECTLY TO THE MATCHPLAY SITE (you can also send it to or directly to Germain on Facebook by private message). MAKE SURE you are in the pictures with your score, funny pictures are most welcome. Players can also add themselves in the tournament if you are not listed yet
Current locations are: 8-Bit, AddaBall, Another Castle Edmonds, Coindexter’s, FlipFlipDingDing, Full Tilt Ballard, Hounds Tooth, Ice Box, Jupiter, Olaf’s, Raygun and Shorty’s.
5 GAMES PER LOCATIONS, TOP 3 COUNT but best to take points away from other players by playing all 5 games:)
You will get one entry into the raffle WITH 2 FULL ENTRY in 2 different location you play a full set of entries (4 locations = 2 raffle entries).
To be eligible to win the raffle prize, YOU MUST ATTEND the finals!
Remember there is also $400 to $500 of cash prizes to win (in average, $500+ last month!) for the finals while PARTICIPATION IS COMPLETELY FREE!