tournament results

Local Tournament Results for January 2014

Babes in Pinland (1/2)
1. Amanda Kunzi, 2. Kayla Greet, Hannah Holmberg, 4. Nycole HyattP1070643

First Sunday @ Shorty’s (1/5) Canadian-style hosted by Amanda Kotchon:
Jeff Gagnon, “Spiritual Canadian” and Eh Division winner, B Division champ Adam Chesbrough, C Division victor Aaron Bendickson, D Division sticking with it like a boss Geoff Simons!

Full Tilt Ballard Weekly: (1/6) 1 Kevin Birrell, 2 Raymond Davidson, 3 Bobby Conover, 4 Aaron Bendickson. (1/13) 1 Raymond Davidson, 2 Tim Tournay           3 Bobby Conover, 4 Ashley Shaw, 4 Aaron Bendickson. (1/20) 1 Bobby Conover, 2 Aaron Bendickson, 3 Aaron McAbee, 4 Danny Rashid. (1/27) 1 Raymond Davidson, 2 Austin Arlitt, 3 Kevin Birrell, 3 Aaron Bendickson.

John John’s Tuesday Flip Off: (1/7) 1 Elijah Nelson, 2 Blake Mitchell, 3 Sam Atlas, 4P1070788 Geoff Simons(1/14) 1 Elijah Nelson2 Sam Atlas3 Blake Mitchell, 4 Travis Echert. (1/28) 1 Elijah Nelson, 2 Sam Atlas3 Blake Mitchell5 Rachel Helm5 Daniel Salo, 5 Heather Loudon.

Add-a-Ball Wednesday Flip Off: (1/8) 1 Sergey Posrednikov, 2 Brian Headley, 3 George Lally, 4 Lelah Vaga, 4 Geoff Simons. (1/15) 1 Zac Petersen, 2 Jodine Hatfield, 3 Sergey Posrednikov, 3 Nicholas Polimenakos.

Narwhal Sunday Tournament (1/26) 1. Nick Crowson, 2. Elijah Nelson. 3. Geoff Simons, 4. Tim Tournay.

Fabulous Ladies in Pinball aka FLIP @ Add-a-Ball (1/26) 1. Julie, 2. Jodine, 3. Kayla, 4. Leslie.

All three weekly tournaments will give you WPPR points and complete results may be found on the IFPA website here.


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