
Pincast Episode 47 – History of the Flipper with Seth Porges

Writer/editor/producer and all-around cool dude Seth Porges joins us for a lively and comprehensive conversation on pinball in America and abroad…

Writer/editor/producer and all-around cool dude Seth Porges joins us for a lively and comprehensive conversation on pinball in America and abroad, its legal and moral journey throughout history, moving machines up five flights of stairs, and playing nothing but video modes. Stay ’til the end to hear the song Wesley Willis wrote about Seth!

[soundcloud url=”” comments=”yes” auto_play=”no” color=”#ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”81px” class=”” id=””]

Ralph Bakshi’s Heavy Traffic is the movie mentioned with the pinball scene. Here is the movie trailer: [youtube id=”vraUu632PIY” width=”600″ height=”350″ autoplay=”no” api_params=”” class=””]

Here’s a link to the song by Wesley Willis mentioned in the Pincast: [soundcloud url=”” comments=”yes” auto_play=”no” color=”#ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”81px” class=”” id=””]

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