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Still Drunk Sundays: New Start Time

The last month of Sunday tournaments at the Kraken have an earlier start time: 4:30pm

While the Kraken celebrates their ominous closure at the begining of March, tournament director Paul will continue his long running Sunday tournament, albeit at an earlier start time. Sign ups begin at 4.

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ICE-BURGH Pinball Challenge: This Weekend

This Sunday is the first edition of the ICE-BURGH Pinball Challenge at the Ice Box.

$200 pot splash to kick off this new event with a format inspired from Pinburgh, loved and missed by many. Sponsored by The Ice Box Arcade and Seattle Pinball Services.
TOP 16 players makes finals (see event description for details) and will have a chance to win the event, cash prizes and the winner medal!
ALSO, a brand new GODZILLA translite will be raffle to anyone playing in all qualifying rounds not making the finals.
2PM start with location opening an hour before for practice and registration. $10 to play- More details:


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Monday Night Pinball: Spring 2023 season begins February 6th

The new season of MNP begins this month with new teams, new locations and a new start time: 8:15pm

Two new teams are joining MNP this season which means there are now a whopping 30 teams in the league! The new teams are Neuromancers based at Time Warp on Capitol Hill and The B Team at the remodeled/reinvented 4B’sGeorgetown Pizza & Arcade is another new location joining MNP and will host an unprecedented three teams: The Wrecking Crew, Seacorns, and Knight Riders. With the Kraken closing soon their teams are relocating to The Ballard Smoke Shop (Slap Kraken Pop) and as a second 4B’s team (Ball of Cthulhu) .

For a list of participating locations, teams, the Spring schedule and how to “join” the league visit the Monday Night Pinball website:


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NW Pinball & Arcade Show Volunteer Kick Off Meeting

Learn how you can volunteer at this year’s NWPAS! Whether you’ve helped out before or this is your first time all are welcome to the kick off pizza party on January 21st at the Round Table in Burien. More details: Here

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Ice Box Friday Tournament: New Start Time

There’s a new start time for the Friday Night Tournament at the Ice Box: 8:30pm (sign ups begin at 8) . $5 buy in, IFPA points, 21+; More details on the Icebox social media or our Calendar:

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Sign ups for Winter Open are open

The Ice Box Winter Open is an all ages, multi-day pinball tournament featuring pin-golf qualifying and a fair strike group knockout final. Sign up for your pingolf time now!
Details on the calendar:
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Open on Christmas 2022

If you are looking to play some pinball here is an incomplete list of locations that will be open to the public (according to Facebook). If you know of any others let us know and they will be added. Includes the opening time if known.
Admiral Pub (West Seattle) 4pm
4 B’s (Fremont/Frelard) 4pm
Crave 80s (Marysville) 5pm
Smoke Shop (Ballard)
The Sanctuary of the Sliver Ball (Northgate) membership required
Tik Tok’s Workshop (Bremerton) 4pm
we’ll add more as they are discovered….

features news & gossip

Pinball: Free-Play

Everyone likes a free game of pinball – here is a list of where you can go to play a few games around Seattle! We’ll try to keep this updated as time goes on so let us know if you notice any incorrect information:

Free play is great for working on various different pinball skills such as drop catch, live catch, dead passes, post passes, shot accuracy, etc without burning through your entire quarter jar. – John Garnett

Sundays have five pins on free-play at Tik Tok’s in Bremerton. They often announce what they are on their Facebook page:

Monday – Another Castle Arcade Edition (Edmonds) has three games on free-play which rotate each week (one in each room). All-ages

Tuesday – every 3rd Tuesday night the NW Pinball Collective host an open house where you can learn more about the organization atThe Sanctuary of the Silver Ball (Northgate). 5PM – 9 is open to the public for both free entry and free-play!

TuesdayCrave 80s in Marysville has free-play pinball which coincides with a free amateur pinball tournament. Doors open at 5pm and the tourney begins at 8.

Thursday: Every 2nd and 4th Thursday at The Sanctuary of the Silver Ball (Northgate) is open to the public for both free entry and free-play. (which begins at 7pm) There’s a tournament this night also ($5 buy-in). All-ages

Weekdays at Waterland Arcade in Des Moines every pinball machine gets two free credits at 6pm. Since they have over 20 pins you’re sure to get at least a few freebies no matter how busy they are. The arcade opens at 12pm. All-ages

Weekends: The NW Pinball Collective hosts a public open house where you can check out The Sanctuary of the Silver Ball and learn more about the organization. The first Saturday – Noon to 4pm. All-ages

Want to know what pinball machines are at these and other Seattle area locations? Check out our pinball list here.
Thanks to John Garnett for the inspiration!

Orignally posted on April 2022-updated Sept2022